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Connecting Sandlovers around Europe


Interact, find, connect with and participate with/against beachvolleyball players all around the continent!. 


(It's) Who we are

We are BEACHRs. That's where all of this started. We believe in the power of beach volleyball for connecting people on a deeper level than in other sports. That's why we created the BEACHR App. ​On the BEACHR App, you can find other BEACHRs to play, connect, travel, train, and compete with/against. If you are a club, or if you are affiliated to a club, the club can use the app to facilitate participation, connection, competition and so much more. (Book a call here or mail us for more info on that topic)

(It's) What we do

The BEACHR App has many uses. Primarily it connects beachsports lovers with eachother. And isn't that the highest goal that beachsports clubs, teams, vacations, camps, tournaments,  and federations should be trying to achieve? The BEACHR App not only helps players to connect with eachother, but also with other beachsports entities, facilitating that connection, but also facilitating participation (to trainings, tournaments, events, and so forth). 


Heirbaan 59, 2280 Grobbendonk, België


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